What to know about TightSculpting

Many of us have thought about working towards a leaner more toned body. Sometimes it doesn’t even
matter how many hours we put in to achieving that goal, there’s just some stubborn fat that doesn’t
want to leave. Thankfully, there is a new non-invasive procedure available to help us target these
stubborn areas and achieve the body confidence we desire.

What is TightSculpting? Does TightSculpting work?

TightScultpting is the latest technology for body contouring that combines two procedures in one. It is a
great choice if you are looking to tone and tighten target areas of your body because it is non-invasive,
painless, safe, and effective. The Fotona Dynamis Laser for TightSculpting uses a dual wavelength laser
for sculpting and tightening on all body areas.

Step One:

The first step concentrates energy subcutaneously, targeting fat cells to destroy them so that your body
can then get rid of them through metabolism.

Step Two:

The second step uses a non-ablative laser, working just below the surface of the skin to generate new
collagen to rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

Who is a candidate?

TightSculpting is an ideal solution for you if you are within range of your ideal weight and are looking to
sculpt certain areas of your body or remove stubborn fat that will not go away with diet and exercise.
TightSculpting is not a weight-loss solution. The number of sessions you may need will depend on your
outcome goals. We recommend scheduling a consultation to determine your goals and the number of
sessions you will need.

The Procedure & Downtime

The length of the procedure depends of the part of the body being treated, but is typically around an
hour. The results are instant and painless! There is no downtime with TightSculpting. There is no
bruising. You will be able to resume your day as usual, just looking even better and with more

Have you been considering body sculpting to improve your appearance and confidence? If so, we invite
you to explore our website for more information on the services we offer. Our team of experts are
passionate about helping people look and feel their best, and we would be honored to help you achieve

your goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how TightSculpting can help you reach
your ideal physique!

