The change in seasons can be hard on our skin, causing many men and women looking to quickly remedy winter skin blues. The colder months can be especially hard on our skin, leaving it dry, irritated, and a little aged in the process. However, it does not mean we have to resign ourselves to the phenomenon some refer to as winter skin. Soft and moisturized skin may only be a professional facial away. The right facial can transform a patient’s dry skin into a more bright and youthful appearance. The key to a successful facial regimen is to learn about the facial options available and choose the best one for your specific needs.

Why Winter Can Be Hard on The Skin

This colder season can rob skin of its natural oils and moisture due to windy cold air outdoors and the harsh dry air from heating systems indoors. For many individuals, it can manifest itself in that dry feeling of your skin feeling like its being painfully stretched by simply smiling.

When our skin is depleted of natural moisture it can cause:

  • Decreased elasticity
  • Dryness
  • Flakiness
  • Irritation
  • Itching
  • Redness

While dryness and irritation of the skin due to the winter season can be felt all over the body, it is perhaps most noticeable to ourselves and others in the skin on our faces. This is due in large part because our faces are exposed to cold, dry air for more prolonged periods of time compared to the skin on the rest of the body.

While drinking water, applying lotion daily, and even using a humidifier at home or work can be helpful in keeping skin soft and moisturized, these practices may not be enough on their own to keep your skin looking young and healthy in the harsh winter months. For individuals who desire the supple and youthful looking skin of summer, getting a professional facial may give them the extra boost in facial skin health they are looking for.

The skin is the largest organ on the human body. We are all individuals with unique needs when it comes to taking care of our skin to have it looking its best. For this reason, facials vary in type and purpose, but some of the most commonly administered facials are typically:

4D Skin Rejuvenation Treatment:
This treatment utilizes the Fotona SP Dynamis Laser to tighten skin and reduce the appearance of aging by minimizing lines and wrinkles.

Acne Skin Treatment:
Via the Fotona SP Dynamis Laser treatment, acne producing skin glands are targeted to inhibit acne inflammation and formation.

Benign Lesions Treatment:
The Fotona SP Dynamis laser can be used to quickly and effectively address and lessen the presence of benign lesions appearing on the skin.

Laser Scar Revision Treatment:
This is a minimally invasive laser treatment that typically yields almost immediate results in minimizing the appearance of scars on the skin.

Via small, fine needles inserted into the skin, microneedling assists with helping skin to look more rejuvenated and plump.

Dr. Schrammek’s Green Peel Classic:
This type of facial is without chemical additives or acids and is a mixture of special herbs infused with minerals, enzymes, and vitamins designed to keep skin feeling clean and looking even.

Dr. Schrammek’s Green Peel Energy:
A cousin to both the Green Peel Classic and the Green Peel Freshup, the Green Peel Energy facial is made with the same quality ingredients to energize the skin minus acids and chemical additives.

Dr. Schrammek’s Green Peel Freshup:
The goal of this facial is to rejuvenate and refresh the skin to look its best via specific herbs containing helpful vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

This type of skin treatment is designed to remove dead skin cells from the skin via an exfoliating blade to leave it smoother and more radiant.

An aquafacial is a multi-step treatment that can include exfoliation, an acid peel, unclogging pores, and hydration of the skin to reveal more youthful looking skin.

Customized Facial:
As the name indicates, a customized facial is one that is especially formulated to meet a patient’s specific needs. This may include one treatment or a combination of treatments over time.

Benefits of Winter Facials

The colder seasons such as winter can be an excellent time to begin a facial regimen. An individual’s dedication to keeping their skin healthy and primed in the cooler dry months can yield big benefits when warmer weather finally arrives.

Especially when the weather requires coats, scarves, and hats, the only part of your body that is showing is usually the face. By undergoing regular winter facials, most individuals report the following benefits:

  • Better blood flow stimulation
  • Brighter complexion
  • Hydrated skin
  • Increased suppleness of skin
  • A glowing, youthful, and radiant appearance
  • Rejuvenated and refreshed skin
  • Skin repair

If the arrival of winter is already creating annoying dryness and irritation for your face, remedy winter skin blues by reaching out to New Leaf and schedule a consultation to learn more about how facials can have you glowing even when it’s blowing and snowing outside.